A New Moon Guided Meditation for Our Highest Potential – December 2016

Image from Gualberto107@ www.freedigitalphotos.net
Image from Gualberto107@ www.freedigitalphotos.net

“The chief beauty about time
is that you cannot waste it in advance.
The next year, the next day, the next hour are lying ready for you,
as perfect, as unspoiled,
as if you had never wasted or misapplied
a single moment in all your life.
You can turn over a new leaf every hour
if you choose.”
~ Arnold Bennett


Today, Thursday December 29 heralds the new moon. This moon closes the door not only on 2016, but on the entire thousands-of-years-old patriarchal energetic cycle that began its conclusion in 2012. This new moon welcomes in an entirely new energetic era – one of balanced masculine and feminine energy, one of hope and compassion, one of community, connection, information and advancement. It is my belief that you have chosen to be alive at this time as we straddle two worlds, the old and the new.

Tonight’s new moon brings a powerful energy for creating positive change and manifesting your heart’s desires. It is also a great time for connecting into your own intuitive wisdom, and deepening spiritual connection.

Everything is created first in the zero-point field, that place of potent emptiness that resides as the spaces between the fabric of existence.  The New Moon is potently linked to this space of possibility, where our thoughts and intents begin to shape matter itself into our new reality.

Tonight’s new moon also offers us something extra. It’s a moon that supports us being attuned to our highest potential for this lifetime and an opportunity for us to leave the past behind and to truly embrace a positive future.

Tonight I will be holding space in my personal meditation for you as I sit with our Ancestors and Songlines crystal grid here at my farm. I will be intending that you move into your heart-space, and reconnect with your own Soul Wisdom. I will be intending that your feet find their way in 2017. That your path becomes clear. That you can more easily be yourself. That you know and express yourself truly. That you live life to your highest potential. That you are loved for who you are. That you come to know how much you are loved.

There are 2023 individually dedicated stones within my grid. If you have contacted me via my blog or social media, then your name is here.

Note: For those of you who contacted me after yesterday’s cutoff time, I am adding your name to one large crystal that will anchor energy and intention for you all.



Perform Your Own New Moon Ritual

I’ve also created a simple guided meditation and a series of rituals to help anchor your own intentions using the transformational forces of the moon as she moves from this place of darkness back into light.

You can do any or all of these simple practices, and you can do them today or any time in the next three days, up until January 1, 2017.

You’ll need this simple preparation:

  • choose a crystal or stone to hold in meditation
  • choose a  second stone or crystal to return to the earth after the meditation
  • have a glass of water ready
  • have a journal and a pen


Journal First:

Some time today, or before your meditation tonight, take your journal and write a letter to the Universe outlining what you intend to leave behind in the past.

This could be behaviours, attitudes, situations, relationships or any other thing that weighs you down or makes you feel bad within yourself.

Start with the words ‘I now release…’ and then add your list. When your letter to the Universe is finished sign it with the words ‘And it is so.” Then sign your name and add the date.

Begin again on a new page.

Sit in reflection, and then write down what you want to have, create or do, especially those things where you have previously been blocked by fear or insecurity.

Words that can be useful to help strengthen that state of creating or manifesting include the action words: claim, invoke, manifest, intend, believe, draw to me, welcome into my life, create, become, do, transform, embrace, love, adore, cherish, make, construct, transform.

Write a second letter to the Universe, beginning with the words, ‘As I step into my Highest Potential…’

Then list the things you wish to have, create or do. Be as broad or specific as feels right for you. Conclude your letter with the words. ‘I claim this and more, for my Highest Good. And it is so.’ Then sign your name and date it.

Keep your pages somewhere safe, although there is no need to read them again unless you are drawn to do so.



Standing Meditation for Clearing, Shifting and Healing your Psychic Self

This Meditation will ground you, as it opens you up to more of your own natural energetic and psychic ability.  It is very comforting for people who spend most of their day indoors, or in front of a computer.

Note: You will need your glass of water for this meditation.

  1. Find a place outside where you can comfortably stand barefoot on the skin of the earth.  If this is impossible in your climate then stand barefoot at a window or on timber floorboards. Find a place where you can do this without interruption.  It is up to you what time of the day you complete your practice.
  2. Drink half a glass of water.
  3. Then stand barefoot on the earth (or in your chosen place) with your face turned toward the sun (or the moon if you do this at night).
  4. Close your eyes.  Draw in sunlight through your heart chakra, or if it is night, draw in moonlight through your third eye.  If it’s cloudy, draw clouds and wind and rain and all those other elements into your belly via your sacral chakra (the second one up, three finger widths below your belly button. Do this for two to five minutes.  Let your body be energised, balanced and healed by the gifts of nature.
  5. When you’re finished, drink the rest of the glass of water.

Expect to feel different in the days to come.  Expect to be shown things in dreams, to become more perceptive and intuitive.  If you want to work with energy or psychic skills, expect them to become stronger and clearer.

Even if you do not want to choose a life path that is more actively spiritually and psychically connected, you will become more emotionally open, more energised, and more naturally intuitive.

Thank you, for working on your own self growth. Every time we do, it lifts the energy of Mass Consciousness.  Every time we clear and shift old energies, it makes its easier for ourselves and everyone else to become more open to our Soul Truth.

Image from www.netcategory.net
Image from http://www.netcategory.net


Simple Guided Meditation for Stepping Into Your Highest Potential

I’ve recorded a fifteen minute guided meditation for working with this new moon. You can use this meditation on any evening from tonight up until January 1, 2017, or on any future new moon to come to help keep you connected into this energetic support.

I’ll be starting my own meditation at 8pm AEST, if you’d like to tune in around that time, but I also love the idea of a wave of meditation across the world. Take a moment to tune into my crystal grid, and the central rose quartz stone. Send it a little love, light and positive intention. Feel that intention radiate back out into the world, amplified.


Before you begin the meditation, make sure that you have two stones or crystals – one to keep for yourself and one to gift back to the earth.

When you’re ready, just click play:

After your meditation is concluded you may want to hold your personal crystal and journal any insights that have come during your meditation, or that come after. Use this personal crystal any time you want to quickly connect back into this awareness of your connection and highest potential. It is a great meditation and journalling aid.

In your own time take the second stone and return it to nature. As you place it on the ground, or cast it into a river, lake or ocean, visualise the stone anchoring light, truth peace and hope. See it as a small beacon of light that is rippling out the energies of Highest Potential all over the world.

See yourself in the same way.

Image from www.wallpapersafari.com
Image from www.wallpapersafari.com

Thank you for being part of the closing ceremonies of the old energetic era, and for being part of the positive shift for humanity.

Holding you in my intentions, prayers and meditation,

Nicole <3 xoxo

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3160

30 thoughts on “A New Moon Guided Meditation for Our Highest Potential – December 2016

  1. Dearest Nicole…. once again you shower us all with the most loving and inspired energies via your writings. This will be a New Moon to remember, thanks, in no small measure, to you. 2017 is looking so much better today. … Sending you love and deep gratitude for your work here with us. xoxo Lesley G

  2. This has got to be the best read I’ve had thus far. Thank you so much for taking your time to help people get the best out of this new moon. I was all out of wack with this one! It really affected me in a strong way.

    I’m definitely going to follow your blog and tune in often, these are the type of reads I like to have. Lots of love!


    Diary Girl

  3. Thank you, Nicole. Your love and warmth come through the computer so clearly, and at times your words bring tears to my eyes. Just your comment from the posts when you were gathering the names for the grid—“I have you”…for some reason, that got me. I am really looking forward to 2017 and being part of this lovely community. Thank you again for all you do (over 2,000 names/stones–amazing!)
    Kathy B.

    1. Hi Henna, I did my main meditation last night and I’ve closed the grid off for personal dedications, but I did include a stone to represent the people like you who did not get a personal stone. So feel assured that there is energy in the grid for you. Much love, Nicole xx

  4. Thank you nicole…i feel lighter and overwhelmed at the same time, i cant explain it, very greatful to be a part of this community thank you…

  5. Thank you for this Nicole. We are blessed to have someone like you offering to open her heart up and help us on our journeys. Love and Light to you, you are an inspiration to me. Janine.

  6. What a sweetheart you are, Nicole. This brought tears to my eyes. I’m having a flare of my MECFS symptoms and don’t have the energy or heart to do this tonight. But you are! Thank you

  7. Bless and bliss Nicole. This is truly a very special gift you have given us all. We are all blessed to be held in this one space, as diverse as we all no doubt are. I will work my own energy today as you have scripted and am grateful for this amazing guidance as am feeling very tired and just a little lost. This I am sure will lift us all to that platform we need to be on from now.
    Namaste to you, and best wishes to all others who are in this journey. xx Jocelyn

  8. Thankyou so much Nicole. Sending you my love and letting you know that I plan on doing all three today. I am currently working on my 2017 ME planner. I had set aside today and the following few days as well to go through last years and plan out this years. Thankyou and bless you. xoxo

  9. Lovely Nicole, you truly are a beautiful, loving, giving and very gifted soul. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you do and have done for us. This is truly one of the best gifts to be part of this grid. Lots of love and light
    Helen & Family 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦🐶🌈❤️🙏🦄💐🌝

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