Manifesting a Positive 2013 – An Invitation to Join Me


“New Year’s eve is like every other night; there is no pause in the march of the universe, no breathless moment of silence among created things that the passage of another twelve months may be noted; and yet no man has quite the same thoughts this evening that come with the coming of darkness on other nights.”  ~ Hamilton Wright Mabie

New Year’s Eve. For so many people it’s a night of revelry and celebration, for some it’s a night of sheer underwhelm or expectations not met, and for others it’s just another night…

Australia is one of the first countries to see in the New Year. And Byron Bay does know how to throw a party!  But tonight you won’t find me there. I’ll be home at my farm, enjoying a quiet dinner with friends, before I sit down in meditation to welcome in the energies of 2013.

It will be a big meditation session – two or three hours, finishing with a simple fire ritual. I’ll be focussed on holding a positive intent for myself, for you, and for the world for the unfolding of this important year – 2013.



I’d love for you to join with me, adding your energy and presence to my own. I promise it will be an easy thing for you to do.

Each year I offer up a wish for myself, and a wish for the world.  I write each of them on separate pieces of paper, and the messages I write then hold some of the shape of my meditation.  At the end of my meditation, I burn each wish, letting the energy of my hopes and prayers be carried up into the atmosphere in the heat and smoke of the fire.

It’s always been a powerful practice. And now you can be a part of it too.  Simply add your wish for yourself and your wish for the world as a comment at the bottom of this post.

Do it just like this: My wish for myself is……  My wish for the world is…..

If you’d like more privacy you can send me a message on facebook, or email me at

I’ll print out your wishes, and add them to my own. The only person who will see them is me. (And the Universe, of course…)  I’ll hold that space for you in my meditations, and I’ll burn your messages in my New Year’s Eve fire.

I promise to hold the energy of this space (and my fire) for a full 24 hours from my own walk into 2013. That way none of you will miss out.

Together, our collective good thoughts, wishes and intentions shall help shape a 2013 that begins in love, well wishes and positive energy.  What can be better than that?

Love and Blessings to you, ♥ Nicole xx


Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
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112 thoughts on “Manifesting a Positive 2013 – An Invitation to Join Me

  1. Thank you Nicole – Happy New Year!
    My wish for the world is that we find peace and understanding, that although we appear different, we are in fact all connected and one of the same.
    My wish for myself is to meet that someone special again to have the close, loving, fullfulling relationship I envision
    thank you! x

  2. Hey,Such a nice way to start a new year. Thank you so much for doing it.
    I wish to know my calling for life.What it is that I am meant to do??Moreover, I want that all the dreams of my friends and family members comes true. All the dreams of the kids I have at my center come true.
    For the world, I wish evolution. For everyone. I wish everyone get a chance to evolve continuously.

  3. Thanks Nicole, I’d love to join you. Best wishes to you for the New Year: may 2013 be a special year for you.
    My wish for myself is to find my place in this world: my calling and my tribe.
    My wish for the world is that positivity would outweigh negativity and that people would have the grace to see the best in each other and the benefits and beauty and blessings even in difficult problems and situations.

  4. What a very kind offer. Along with your other readers I wish for you improved heart health this year. I wish for myself that I would be the best I can be, and for the world I wish that each person would be inspired to care for others and for the planet.

  5. A big hug to everyone! My wish for my self is to be in a state of appreciation to see MAGIC arrive into my life: freedom, wealth and joy surrounding me and all my beautiful business and educational projects!
    My wish for the world is to create infinite possibilities of expression and freedom at all levels: education, economy, finance, social care, animals and nature, housing, business, health…That all people with creative and innovative ideas to shape a new Earth can find their space to apply those principles for the Age of LIGHT!
    Thank you Nicole for holding this special space, I love it and I am totally in it since the last days…WOW How Amazing

  6. HI everyone, happy new year. My wish for myself is to live intuitively and with presence (forget the mess and what other people ‘do’). My wish for the world is for all women to be educated.

  7. My wish for myself is financial freedom, abundance and a healthy thyroid. My wish for the world is peace, love for each other and freedom. Thank you Nicole. Happy 2013.

  8. beautiful nicole,

    thank you for this opportunity… gracious of you,

    my wish for myself is connect more deeply with my true nature, to reach deep inside myself & fall in love with myself over & over again, and that love to be extended to my self care & nurturing & to others,deeperr love & intimacy & opening.

    my wish for the world is for sacred union between heart, body, soul, mind & the earth, for each being to feel the lve & connectedness between us, to respect and love this sacred earth & find that within, we are all truly one, each particle, each cell, each atom, truly divine ~*~

    thank you xxx

  9. My wish for myself is to love myself more and more each day; acknowledge my qualities and have the discipline to thrive.
    My wish for the world is for it to be filled with people who only have love in their hearts: love for themselves, love for living beings around them and love for the environment we all live in.

    Thanks, Nicole, for being such a love-filled human being. We need more people like you in the world. Happy new year! 😀

  10. My wish for the world- Is ecological balance peace and harmony as well as an end to child slavery/abuse and animal cruelty!! Also for the human race to hold themselves and each other in a space of love respect inner peace and happiness.

    My wish for me – Is to become financially independent , creative, balanced, pro-active and confident. Giving myself the gift of time to develop and learn more about me and the gifts and talents that I have come here to use to be of service for the planet and humanity..
    Thanks Nic for this opportunity!!
    Happy New Year Everyone🎉

  11. How absolutely lovely ritual and delight you are including us … Thank you!

    My wish for myself is rediscovery/reconnection of/with myself with self-love and compassion.
    My wish for the world is more clarity, awareness and peace so healing can begin.

    Happy New Year — may the upcoming year blossom beyond your wildest imagination.
    Namaste ~~ Nicole!!

  12. My wish for myself is more bacon than last year 🙂

    Just kidding, Nicole 🙂

    My real wish for myself is to embrace my potential fully and completely and have fun doing it. My wish for the world is peace, love, and happiness.

  13. My wish for myself is freedom from panic and anxiety. That peace, calm, resilience and trust in the universe come to rest firmly in my mind, body and spirit throughout 2013 and beyond. My wish for the world is that humanity will find a newfound respect, gentleness and love for eachother and all living things on our planet, including our planet itself. Thank you Nicole.

  14. My wish for myself is is to have the strength and love to transform my life on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level so that I can do the work that I know I must do.
    My wish for the world is that love and peace become stronger than greed and fear and that people can live in safety and harmony.
    Love and blessings to you Nicole xx

  15. How lovely of you Nicole! My wish for the world is compassion and my wish for myself and my family is abundance in all things and an ability to see and hold positive outcomes while accepting and growing from the lessons given to us. Thank you!

  16. Thanks Nicole, My wish for the world is that people of all cultures to have a deeper respect and tolerance for each other, for people to be able to express themselves without fear  and have the freedom to explore and seek adventure without violence. 
    My wish for family and friends in the coming year is that they find joy, peace and success in all that they are seeking in life
    Finally my wish for myself is to continue to enjoy the new professional directions my life is taking and to explore more vibrant and creative ventures with my photography and art and continue to share these with others.

  17. Thank you Nicole and may 2013 be a beautiful year for you too.
    My wish for the world is for peace and harmony.
    My wish for myself is to have better health, and to connect with myself better so I have the confidence to move forward on my spiritual path.

  18. My wish for you beautiful Nicole is that your body behaves itself and is made like new.
    My wish for myself is an ever deepening of my spiritual being.
    May all beings have kindness to others. May there be peace on earth.

  19. My wish for myself is to have joyful balance in my life, covering finances, health, fitness, career and friendships.

    My wish for the world is for more awareness, research and understanding of mental health issues.

    My wish for Nicole is that her heart beats strong in the new year.

  20. You are such a lovely, lovely person and soul Nicole….. thank you for all you do for us and so many XXX

    My wish for YOU is good, good, good health and even more good health!

    My wish for myself is to regain health, fitness and a slim body, live a creative Life and for my family to be able to live comfortably on the proceeds

    My wish for the World is for compassion, understanding and empathy to be the basis of ALL the World Nations Government decisions

    Love & Blessings to us all XXX

  21. My wish for myself is to regain my health, be grounded, step into my power, and have better understandings of my spiritual connections. My wish for the world is for different cultures and religions to love and accept each other.
    Thank you. Xxxxx

  22. My wish for myself is strength and authenticity. My wish for the world is peace, respect and kindness for all beings on our blessed Earth.

  23. Thank you Nicole,
    My wish for myself is achieving financial freedom and finding my soulmate for a mutually loving and beautiful, longterm relationship. My wish for the world is for more love, peace and positivity for all. A move away from the controlling systems to a more free and liberated world where all are equal.

  24. Thankyou Nicole! xx I listened to yesterdays meditation last night – it was beautiful. I felt at peace afterwards.
    My wish for myself is to open my heart allowing love in, and out. My wish for the world is that each person makes conscious and positive decisions about their individual use of the worlds resources.
    Thankyou xxx

  25. Thank you for sharing Nicole…My wish for me is to give myself permission to love and be loved and to have a better work / life balance so as to never say “I wish I had the time”
    My wish for the world is for the freedom of women in all cultures – that they be treated as equals and respected so as to have freedom of speech and to be able to walk freely on our earth without fear of attack. Love to you for a happy and healthy 2013.

  26. Blessings to you, Nic, dear.
    My wish for the world is: Tenderness and Resilience
    My wish for myself is: True Love and A Clear Path

    Love, Sal x

  27. Thank you Nicole for this most wonderful of gifts…. My wish for my self is to be true to myself and live authentically, to just be. My wish for the world is patience, love and understanding. Blessings to you and all your readers. May all our dreams come true.

  28. Thank you Nicole!
    My wish for myself is abundance in all things, and freedom from my own ‘shoulds’.
    My wish for the world is freedom from limiting beliefs for all.
    With love to you xxx

  29. Thank you Nicole.
    My wish for myself is to find my craft, expand my creativity and for the courage and strength to use it as my contribution to my family happiness, finances, love and this in turn will give me the happy energy to look after my body, become healthy and energetic. I also wish for my guide dog pup, George, to graduate and become the best companion for a visually impaired person to give them freedom and independence and that my current pup, Savvy, become the brood that she was breed to be.
    My wish for the world is a true understanding and awareness for all in spirit, nature and all souls both human and animals.

  30. Nicole, you are such a beautiful lady. Thank you. My wish for myself is find strength and inner peace. To fully let go of past hurts. To walk free. My wish for the world is for all the violence across nations to stop. Jenny xx

  31. Love and blessings to you too Nicole x

    My wish for me is that once again I can have a wonderful happy and joyful relationship with my husband

    My wish for the world is that everyone is kind – kind to each other and kind to strangers

  32. My wish for the world is for peace, harmony and respect for people, animals and the planet be shared and practiced by more of us than ever before.

    My wish for myself is to be able to connect at a deeper level to creative energy and spiritual energy to create artworks that others will want to buy because it heals, and lifts their soul to a joyful place. That this career helps me to free myself from worry about money and enjoy working at something that is truly of ME. To find a way to share the joy and release of art with others by running workshops is a perfect location. To shed the weight of past self depreciating thoughts further again.
    Thank you Nicole for this opportunity! Love wishes to you as well for 2013 in the wish!

  33. My wish for myself is that my youngest son will be able to turn his negativity into positive thoughts, actions and behaviours and that he will make a success of his business.

    For the world I wish for the greediness of people to stop and for folk to be able to find contentment in what they have and to share their many blessings.

    Thank you for doing this. many blessings to you for 2013.

  34. Thank you Nicole and blessings for the new year.

    For myself I wish to tap into my Devine power and Wisdom and to step up to the plate of who I truly am and have the courage to be truly magnificent.

    For the world I wish kindness, peace and connectedness and enough for everyone.

    Namaste Nicole, Namaste world…

  35. Thanks Nicole
    My wish for myself is to have a clear direction for my career path which will guide me to be of service to many.
    My wish for the world is peace, harmony and freedom.
    Blessings to you Nicole. <3

  36. Thank you Nicole. My wish for me is a more definite idea of the direction of my journey – my “what am I here for” question, love, peace, financial freedom, a healthy body and mind..

    For the Universe – a stop to all suffering of humanity and the animals, more love and understanding becoming more united not separate – a consciously coming together to live in harmony.xx

  37. Thank you Nicole, my wish for myself is to reclaim a healthy, slim, strong and fit body , my wish for the world is for the Animals, for cruelty to stop and for factory farming come to an end worldwide and for more people to embrace vegetarianism. 🙂 <3

  38. Thank you so much Nicole.
    My wish for myself is better health, including finding out what is causing my physical problems, treating them successfully and being able to walk and live a normal life again.
    My wish for the world is peace, safety, comfort, freedom and love.

  39. Thank you for this wonderful invitation… My wish for myself is, more peace in my mind, much laughter, abundance in all things, especially in my gratitude love and care of everyone, amazing health and energy and an open mind to follow my path with no fear only trust and love. Direction in my journey!
    My wish for the world is peace, love comfort and help when needed and awareness bought to light for those suffering! May we all be blessed with love and compassion!

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