2019’s Astrological Events To Awaken and Support Us – Info and Home Study Course

“Everybody has a little bit of the sun and moon in them. Everybody has a little bit of man, woman, and animal in them. Darks and lights in them. Everyone is part of a connected cosmic system. Part earth and sea, wind and fire, with some salt and dust swimming in them. We have a universe within ourselves that mimics the universe outside.”

~ Suzy Kassem

On January 3rd I held my first webinar of the year for my membership group. We discussed the energies of 2019 and how best to use them in our lives, and I also spent time talking about the four-year period (2019 -2022) we have just entered, which is heralded by some incredible astrological events that are happening around us right now and will continue to happen over the next few months.

In response to these events I’ve created a special bundle of four downloadable guided meditations and a 38-page workbook to help you work with and be transformed by the current celestial and cosmic energies. You can access it here now if you’re impatient and don’t feel like reading through to the end of this post.

The Coming Change And How It Can Support You

This four year period is known as The Threshold, and it is being kicked off by a series of astrological events that have already started. I’d like to briefly outline them for you.

January 3 – The Quadrantids Meteor Shower

This meteor shower was most visible over the 3rd and 4th of January, but for the next two months it will be raining microscopic particles down upon us. This shower of golden stardust (literally!) is also the very basis of our own life – we too are made from stardust.

The galactic energy of this meteor shower is awakening something within us. We are beginning to feel both our significance and insignificance in the bigger scheme of the cosmos. That we are here right now is no accident. We are connected to all things, and it is time for us to step into the space of being good ancestors while we are alive and conscious – ensuring the viability of the earth for future generations. We see that our lives matter – that this life and how we live it matters. Not just to us, but for our future selves and for those who will come after us through our family tree.

January 5-6 – Partial Solar Eclipse

This partial Solar Eclipse began the process of activating and rebalancing our Solar Plexus energy. It is waking us out of struggle, helping us to reconnect to flow. It is strengthening our identifty, individuality and resolve. We begin to understand who we are and – most importantly – what we want to contribute in the world and what matters most to us. As the Solar Eclipse asserts its energies we are supported over the next few months to make plans, to start new projects, to build on existing work, and to make changes that will positively affect the course of our life. It heralds the start of a deepening need within us to live in greater alignment with our values, and to live from a place of ethical and spiritual congruency.

January 20 – 21 – Total Lunar Eclipse Supermoon

This eclipse is the ‘Night of the Luminous Soul‘. It gifts us the capacity to become calm warriors in our families and communities. The eclipse heralds energies of courage, clarity, determination, resilience, patience and empathy. We realise that we are not our struggle, and we can choose to align ourselves with solutions and actions that will change the face and future of our world, starting right now. It is a time for revelations and breakthroughs, for divine inspiration and conscious creativity. It is a time for hope and optimism.

How to Use These Energies in Your Own Life

  1. Spend time in nature, on your own or with a companion animal. Allow yourself to relax and then to connect more deeply into nature. As you relax trust that you will begin to know yourself better, and that the best way forward for your life will begin to present itself to you.
  2. Get outside, wherever you are. Become aware of the sky above you, and of the stars, sun and moon. Become aware of the earth beneath your feet, of the air you breathe, of the food you eat. Be in your body. Be of this world. But, also, feel your soul.
  3. Spend time meditating and journalling, supported by these cosmic energies.

I’ll be blogging about the Supermoon Lunar Eclipse over the next few days with some specific free activities for you to try.

Meanwhile, if you head over to my store, I’ve bundled together four powerful guided downloadable meditations and created a companion workbook to support you as you work with these celestial energies. The Stardust Connection Meditation Bundle will help you to connect with and explore Earth Energies, Ancestor Energies, your Solar Plexus energies and personal power, and the Stardust Energies. There is over an hour’s worth of Guided Meditations and a 38-page workbook. The workbook holds specific instructions for using the four guided meditations, as well as journalling activities and reflection/awareness exercises.

The material in the Stardust Connection Meditation Bundle can be used at any time over the next four years, and beyond. My intention with this bundle is to help you become confident in your direction, your intuition, and your contribution to the unfolding history of the world and humanity. To access the bundle or to learn more about it go to my store or click on this link.

Much love to you, Nicole ❤ xx

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3154

4 thoughts on “2019’s Astrological Events To Awaken and Support Us – Info and Home Study Course

  1. Hi Nicole ~ thank you for your ongoing wisdom. Your comment about being mindful as to what kind of ancestor we want to be, really resonated deeply with me. I am so grateful for your beautiful wise soul on this Earth and that I found your website & FB page. Blessed be, Dear One xx

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