What to do when you don’t know where you’re going…

Lonely - image from scottysplace.blogspot.com

You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You’re on your own, and you know what you know. And you are the guy who’ll decide where to go.
~ Dr. Seuss

Feeling lost is a very normal human emotion. And it is especially common when we are going through change.

When we find ourselves in that in-between space: in between jobs, relationships, projects… when we’ve given something up, or lost that something which has helped define us…

image from bestprofilepicture.blogspot.com

it’s normal to feel hollowed out, lonely, directionless, lost.

And in that space it’s okay to not know where you’re going.

image from designzzz.com

There is a wisdom in this Universe. It is greater than anything that you will muster as an individual. It carries you along in its flow, whether you are aware of it or not.

This wisdom contrives for us wonders and synchronicities far beyond anything we may ever imagine or dream for ourselves.

The Bello Nebula - image from wallpaperstock.net

So our job is not to have all the answers.  Our job isn’t even about asking the right questions.

When life is difficult,

when we don’t know where we are going…

image from freebigpictures.com

our job is to just keep putting one foot in front of the other.

Learn to fill yourself up on your own. Do the things you can do. Take care of yourself and do the best you can. Honour your own values and principles.  Live from integrity.


If you keep putting one foot in front of the other, eventually the way will find you – the path will become clearer – new doors will open, new companions will show up along the way.

So for now, keep walking.

image from livromans.com

We kid ourselves into thinking we ever know where we are going – life is so much stranger and more wonderful than that.

It’s okay to be scared –  know that this is all part of the journey.

Keep going and don’t think about it or plan into the future so much or you’ll miss all the glorious stuff going on right now, right in front of you.

image from ineffabletwaddle.com

The fact is, it’s usually when we don’t know where we’re going that we find ourselves.

Bless ♥ xx

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3158

75 thoughts on “What to do when you don’t know where you’re going…

  1. Interesting that I originally misread this – “Feeling lost is a very normal human emotion” – as meaning “loss of feeling is a very normal human emotion”. Better to feel lost than to lose feeling.

    “He goes furthest who knows not where he goes” – Oliver Cromwell.

  2. Nicole,
    This is a mouthful of truth. Life is at its best when I have the sense to realize that the more I think I know, the less I actually know. Part of being stripped down has been giving up what I thought I knew.

  3. oh you are a clever chook! this is a lovely post! i just wanted to say, i saw you for my first reading just over two years ago, i’ve worked my ring off since and now my path is solid and clear… full of just the right quantity of unknowns and lots of happiness and joy!!! So my post is to send love and blessings to everyone who is feeling lost, i wish for you joy in the process and clarity in what you find! know that you are blessed, connected and loved!! hugz sx

  4. Wonderful post, Nicole – I left a reply from my phone this morning but it’s got lost in cyberspace somewhere and what I said then obviously wasn’t meant to be said, so this is what I’m going to say now.

    Brilliant post and as always you are an enlightened soul who cheers me up even if your post makes me cry.

    I actually ‘hate’ not knowing where I’m going except when I’m on an adventure 🙂 When life throws shit in your face and the fun and adventure is gone – one step in front of the other I know is all I can do – but I still hate not knowing where I’m going. I feel the dog’s sense of helplessness stuck in the middle of nowhere in the rain, lost.

    But besides all that I thought your words were of such wisdom I shared the love ♥

    Thank for being special and thanks for being you ♥

    1. I meant to add: Life is an adventure but I don’t mind not knowing where I’m going when I’m semi-prepared for that adventure rather than floundering around wondering what the hell I’m doing because of some nutcase curve ball…

    2. Thank you beautiful, Nicole – I’m meditating and soooo’ want to come back to a place of love and let go….Am looking forward to the sunshowers and rainbows ♥

  5. I enjoyed this post so much. I needed to read “Do what you can do.” It’s so easy to for me to think I can’t act until I know where I’m going, until I know what outcome I want. Putting one foot in front of the other–so simple, but so powerful. Thank you.

    1. Thank you and I hope so. I had a little breakdown about ten minutes ago watching the episode of The Closer where she had to put her kitty to sleep. I will miss my cats for the rest of my life, but I just have to get past it…

  6. Wow…have been awake since before sunrise..so much sadness and anxiety within. So when I clicked on your blog today I was expecting a follow up from yesterday. When I saw that heading “What to do when you don’t know where your going” and that picture of that forlorn dog.. tears deep from my belly arose & flowed. I am sabotaging & alienating all the people I care about and I feel so alone. So I got up went for a walk..one foot in front of the other..and yes this is all I can do today. Please hold me in your prayers and meditations..with deep gratitude..X

  7. Too true Nicole, it’s about the journey, not the destination.

    In this fast paced world we can tend to be soooo focused on the outcome, goals, etc and forget this little gem and overlook being grateful for what is now…

    A very wise woman reminded me of this just recently! 🙂


  8. I know it’s silly, but when I read posts like this one, explaining something I have always believed, but was never able to explain, I get really excited about it like a child who found a solution to a maths problem before the teacher explains the lesson!
    I love this simple description of one of the most important subject in life. when there is faith, trust and Love, there is no fear.
    Thank you Nicole

  9. Wow this is so timely!! I was lying in bed this morning just thinking about life, and acknowledging the fact that I am scared. I’m a single Mum, I worry about the future, and supporting my son and I. I really need to read this today – thank you ♥

    1. I think that feeling scared about the unknown is healthy and natural – and it passes… That’s one thing life has taught me, and remembering that has helped me find strength and courage when I’ve most needed it.
      Love and hugs xx

  10. I just love this:The fact is, it’s usually when we don’t know where we’re going that we find ourselves That is how I woke up this morning, knowing there is a path for me to follow that will lead to inner peace, success and abundance and at the same time the body is not fully being in that space and knowing that I still put road blocks in the way. Today i will embrace the unknowingness to reach ………..??????
    Thanks for your wisdom xxoo

    1. I think that’s a great plan, Suzie! We often make life harder than it needs to be by expecting where we are right now to look different to what it is, and then we fight against that instead of just accepting what is and getting ourselves back into flow with that.
      Much love to you xoxo

    2. Thanks Nicole,
      Today is flowing with joy and abundance- yesterday was not my best day 🙁 Amazing how much my patience is expanding and learning to accept rest is a huge on my path to wellness. letting go of the resistance or as you say the fight. Gratitude for your inspiration- I love it xxoo

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