The Connection Hour – Or, Why do I keep waking up in the middle of the night?

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“Sleep is the best meditation.”
~ Dalai Lama

Are you waking up in the middle of the night?  Does it happen on a semi-regular basis?

I don’t think it’s insomnia.  I diagnose this as a psychic connection issue.  If you’re reading this, in fact I’m sure it’s a connection issue. And I know just what to do about it.

For many years (and sometimes even now…) I woke up at around 2am.  It was especially prevalent while I was going through Spiritual Awakening – that whole process of becoming actively more psychically and spiritually connected.

At first it drove me nuts.  I’d wake from a deep sleep, lie in bed uselessly, eyes wide open and fully alert, and by around 4am I’d drift back off to sleep again.

It was my Guides who finally explained to me what was going on…

Somewhere between 2am and 4am, when we’ve had some sleep and are rested and relaxed, is the easiest time for spiritual Guides and other energetic BEings to connect with us psychically.

At 2am we are free of mental clutter.  At 2am there is much less ‘noise’ from other people’s thoughts, from electromagnetic energy or from life in general.  It’s a little like driving your car down an empty freeway in the middle of the night – it’s a safe, fast trip, with no interruptions.

When we are first connecting energetically, it’s always easier to do this in the early hours.  After the connection is made, and we become practiced at it, we’ll find that we are no longer woken up, and that psychic or spiritual knowing and energy become a natural part of our waking hours.

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So, what can YOU do if you wake at 2am?

Here are some suggestions based on my own experience, and on the advice of my Guides:

  • Drink some water – hydration always enhances connection
  • Ask to be ‘connected’, and then lie back and relax.  Be aware of any images, names, impressions, ideas or information that comes to you.  You may also find that after inviting connection, you are suddenly sleepy again, and return to the sleep state. (you’ll still be connecting, although it will no longer be a conscious act).
  • Write. Many people find that their best ideas come to them in the middle of the night like this – it’s a form of channelling.  These ideas may be aligned to your talents and skills, they may be creative ideas, or it could just be information that’s relevant to your life right now.  You can keep a pen and paper beside the bed, or get up and go sit at a table – but do use pen and paper rather than a keyboard.
  • Move into meditation for a while.  You can do this in bed, or get up and sit somewhere quiet where you are warm and comfortable.  Once again, be open to any messages, images or impressions you might receive.
  • Do some simple hands-on healing for yourself by channelling energy through your hands and into your body.

Back in your normal life, adopt some spiritual practices, such as a regular meditation time, or time in spiritual reflection.  Yoga, tai chi, exercise and other forms of moving meditation are also good.  So are creative hobbies, and hanging out with like-minded people.

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There is an increase in consciousness right now, and enhanced opportunities for conscious connection.  So if you find yourself waking up in the middle of the night for no obvious reason, maybe it’s the Universe, tapping you on the shoulder, and reminding you that it’s time.

You’re here for a reason! Trust in Divine Timing, and in your own ability to connect. Who knows what wonderful energies and ideas you might bring forth…

Much love to you. Bless ♥ xx


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Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3159

79 thoughts on “The Connection Hour – Or, Why do I keep waking up in the middle of the night?

  1. On Point! As I am reading your blog, I received confirmation and I am completely overjoyed. Last night while sleeping I awakened at 3:03am and I was in connection with a love I lost 2 years ago. It was beautiful. I went to work and started writing and as I continued to write, it was as though I had a conversation, I’ve been asking for and waiting for a long time. Nothing was holding me back! I loved it! I really enjoyed it! Once I stopped writing I began to cry, but I knew I was releasing and healing. I shared my experience with a friend and I and happy that I did.

  2. I am 13 and have been like searching on paranormal stuff and i think my third eye is on or open,cause i feel an increase in pressure in myforehead and seeing colours when i close my eyes. I also tried astral projection still working on that and i have been communicating with my spirit guide whose name u assume to be Andrew 2200 in which i think that what he wants me to call him. Straight to the point havs been waking up like 3am and one time i noticed icouldn’t move and heard a which i think is Hi i thought it was sleep paralysis but i knew it wasntcause i snapped out of it too easily by opening eyes 😊😊😊😊😊😊 and have noticed am not that scared when i opened my third eyes like aconfidence boost

    1. I was very young too when I had an increase in paranormal experiences. I encourage you to keep trusting and keep working with this. There are lots of free resources here on this blog to help you. Do the work, and keep going. I’m cheering you on!

  3. Thank you for post. I have been waking up for the past four nights exactly at 2:19 AM, see below for my process each night when I wake up:

    1. Fall asleep completely covered
    2. Consciously feel very hard heart beats in parts of my body (still sleeping)
    3. Hear a relaxed/recognizable voice (but I do not know who it is) saying “I am coming”
    4. I wake up to completely uncovered, my knees are at the boarder of the bed, sit up and I am immediately in a sitting position.
    5. Walk over to see my phone and the time and it always says 2:19 AM
    6. Drink water and immediately use bathroom
    7. Grab my phone and lay back down to fall asleep almost immediately (my husband feels me every night and what I am going through but he does not get involved for he says it is a journey I must travel myself. All my husband does is cuddle with me and I fall right to sleep)

    Am I just being paranoid? Any suggestions?

  4. It always seems like it is about one of my ex-husbands. They both brutally abused me, and there has been no relief from that pain, and I am still alone and it hurts me deeply. My heart is hurting so badky when I wake up, and I feel so panicky and like I’m dying.

  5. How would I do this and not attract the malevolent spirits I seem to be attached to? See or feel them awake or they wake me from a dead sleep. Last night it was the pitter patter of little feet in my house.

  6. Hi, I wake up at 2am every morning as well. And I don’t don’t consume alcohol so I don’t know if it is related to my liver as some may say. And I find this information you’ve shared to be very interesting and somewhat true. I wake up to whispers at 2am on the dot, every morning. And this literally scares me. My family, on the other hand, think I’m going crazy . I guess I need to know if it is safe to connect with the spiritual world because of the whispers.

  7. This is happening to me since a long time now…Every time I wake up…I feel terrified that someone is watching me…Sometime I can see it or even feel it….M frustrated now…Being deprived of some good sleep…No one believes me…They say m joking. I don’t know what to do and whom to approach. Can u help me?

  8. I don’t think I could ask to be “connected”. I have horrible dreams and have been spiritually attacked in the past, so I am too afraid to ask this in case I was inviting something negative in. I feel horrible all the time, no energy – just drained, and the thought entered my mind this morning that perhaps spiritual activity around me is what is keeping me from getting a good night’s sleep. I need to find a way to block things from bothering me and/or draining me.

  9. Well, its been more than a week since I’ve been waking up between 3 – 5 for no rhyme or reason. This article really helped to make me understand I am normal and also special 😉 haha thankyou. But I don’t know I tend to freak out at times.. Ofcourse I do have big dreams and also aspire to fulfill them…

  10. Hi,
    My name is namrta and i m from India..I am undergoing through the same situation..The matter is that…I always switch on my fan before i sleep and i stay alone in my room..Then suddenly while sleeping i feel uneasy and kinda sweaty and when i wake up and see time its always 3:56am..Its always 3:56am..And when i go to switch on light, i always find my fan switch automatically off on its own….I m too confused..and one month before i heard footsteps in my corridor but for once only….can anyone tell wht is it happening….

  11. For a few months now I have been talking to God and my guides… I have received messages through dreams and words in my head I believe.. I wish to be able to speak with my guides and get to know there name(s)… Reading your post I will use this time to meditate rather than having a cigarette coffee and be awake till 4. 😇💙 love and light.. Thank you 💓

    1. To be honest I’m not very happy about waking up every night exactly 2:20 am . I stay until 6 am without sleep and wake 9:00 to go to work, so if is a spiritual connection how can I unplug this?
      I need to be fit to work , I don’t have time for holly messages , and I don’t care about spiritual things .

  12. I look up this info because I was only awake at 2-3am when I was sleeping next to a guy I was previously dating. Sometimes I went into the living room and meditate a bit when this happened. When I sleep by myself at home, this never happened. Is it something that has to do with him?

  13. thank you so much for this , it resontes with me so much rigt now ive been waking up between 1:45 and 2:30 for weeks and im exhausted
    i will definately try thr tips you have suggested

  14. Hi there! Thanks for this. I was trying to figure out if it was health issues or a divine connection haha I believe in the metaphysical meanings of things and my counselor said that ringing in the ears means to look inward. I’ve been hearing distant ringing in my head from 2-4am these past few days and got really anxious and annoyed! I started jotting notes in the middle of the night. I hope it subsides soon because it’s effecting my sleep!! But maybe I should embrace it because it’s from the divine…its some heavy content at night, like why is my heart heavy? When you speak of guides I’m guessing you mean spiritual ones instead of humans. I’m going to have to meditate on this one and get clarity!!

  15. Thank you. I have just lost my son and have started to wake at the same time every night. Do you think he is trying to connect with me. I do hope so. Ursula

  16. I have been waking up at 3:33 or very close to that time EVERY night for the past two-three months now, I’ve been doing a lot of reading up on this but, still am unsure of how to open myself up to the spirit guides or angels. I was really freaked out by this at first but not so much now. Could still really use some help in figuring this out and what to do exactly to open myself up to recieve these messages. Desperately seeking help or any advice you may have. Thanks.

  17. Hi ! Its like getting the very right answer what I have been looking for. You posted this blog in September of 2012. I just stumbled upon your blog while searching for an answer why every night for past fortnight I have been getting up at 4.45 am ? I have always been a very sound sleeper and would not get up before 6 in the morning. I am very spiritual and do experience ESPs. Reading your blog got the clarity, as one of my very close friend (a soul mate) was in trouble, I had no way to communicate with her. Waking like this, I guess am able to connect and communicate with her, since all my eerie feelings have gone away. I get up, drink a glass of water, lie down think of her and The Almighty, then slumber back to sleep again. Now I know, if any picture or anyother thing comes to mind will pen it down. Thank you for your much intriguing blog.. feel so happy to relate to it.


  19. I have been experiencing these “wake ups” I only notice when I’m wake tho I have been seeing a girl who is very much spiritually connected to me and just before waking up I wake her up with random chatter like “why are you still awake” or just random sounds and murmurs or when I’m alone I have lyrics playing in my head as if my iPhone has been playing, usually lyrics that have something to do with my current state of mind… also as weird as it is when I have been with this girl when I wake up we have been having amazing sex. Not until we finish that it must have been close to 2am or 2:22 or 2:12 that we started I’m not at all worried just interested in finding out more.

  20. Almost daily I am waking up around 2 am or any time till 4 am. This really make me wonder and some times freak out, why is it so?

    After reading your article, its breath of little relief that I am not the only one. Anyways… quite informative.

  21. I have had random spells of this type of sleep pattern for ten years. Awake exactly at two and asleep finally by four am. It has always been so frustrating and exhausting, and always during a spiritual evolution or turmoil affecting my center balance. I came across this article completely by divine accident. I will get to work right away! Thank you so much for this, I told the Spirit I was ready, but I have kept my eyes clouded in fear of the path. Ah, will I ever be more than a selfish child? The path to enlightenment is long rocky climb-

  22. hi , even i get up betweeen 2-3 am at night. Either I wake because of nightmare or something else i dont remember. But this happening with me from past 6-7years ,i think. I am sorry to mention, but most of times when I am alone also i feel some presence around me , but that thing(whoever/whatever) never hurts me. when i work late in evening or night i always feel it , even if my family is around me. Can you please help on this .. I am not scared but I am very curious to know what is it and why is it .

  23. Hello I’ve read your blog, and I’m quite interesting to this. I wanna’ take your advice but I’m a lil’ bit afraid of connecting to spirits. I’m now 24 but since when I was 17 or 18, I always woke up to 2:30 am, and it always happen until now. There is this incident happen to me that I saw my body lying in my bed and it’s like my soul was being separated. Why is this happening to me?

  24. A year or two ago, I woke up in the night with a message for a friend in my mind. I saved it as a text and sent it the next morning. It said that it was necessary for her to do a couple of things. She was suspicious of my ‘guidance’ as she referred to it, but eventually followed the advice. The second item was only completed shortly before her admission to the Royal Marsden, where she died soon after. That second item also took a ‘reminder’ that came to me in the early morning, which she responded to immediately, to my surprise.
    Found this page by searching for “waking up in the night with a message for someone”, most results to do with night terrors! Thank God for yours.

  25. Thank you for this article. I have experienced many similar situations as the ones you described. I call the flow of ideas and thoughts “the cascade” or “water fall of inspiration”. I get so much clarity and guidance. I believe in spiritual guides and my daily prayer is for guidance; thus, I think I receive in accordance.

  26. I don’t really wake up, I just can’t seem to fall asleep before 4 am. It doesn’t matter what time I go to bed either.

  27. Very happy I found this 🙂 I’m 17 and wake up in the middle of the night all the time. I don’t have a specific time like some do, but I wake about two or three times. But in the morning I’m not tired. Haha I actually am writing this because I have just woken up. I usually remember my dreams but is it common for them to be very very strange? I don’t watch TV much but I do read a lot.. My dreams are just so strange some times. Is that normal? And I have pressure on my chest, like some thing is holding me down and that’s when I usually fall back asleep.. What’s with that?

  28. I keep waking up at 12 pm sharp( middle of the night)
    I sleep early like 9 pm. Whatever time I sleep , I wake up at 12 pm. I meditate every day and am a yoga teacher. When I feel scared at 12 pm, lord Shiva ( my favourite Hindu God) immediately appears by my side.
    What do I do when I wake up at 12 pm

  29. So glad I found your post today, I’ve been waking up at the same time for the last month or so. Last night I woke about 1 then had an amazing dream where I was shown a list on a board, and was shown I’m passing all the stages off the list. Then I woke up and felt really urged to look at the clock. It was 4am again! Feels so great to be connecting.

  30. How do you connect with your guides? When you mention what you learned from them, how did you get to that point? trying to get messages from mine and no luck. This waking up stuff is happening a lot.

  31. I’m so in love with this post, I am a 25 year old women who struggles to eat well/eat at all, recently I’ve gone down a holistic method and started yoga and meditating all my worrying has seemed to go (almost) and I spent the early hours of 2-4am reading this blog, I am beyond happy that I have read this and I am thankful for your blog it’s really made me excited and confirmed that going down this path is 100% the correct thing to do and I feel very elighted.

  32. Every single night, I wake up around 02:12 am (or I wake up a little before that but whenever i check the time it is 2:12). I was even scared to mention this as it’s like a coincidence, but it has been happening for so long that I was getting worried about it. I stay awake until around 4 am, then can go back to sleep. I will try your advice. Thank you for giving me an explanation <3

  33. Hey Nicole, – your time is 2? mine is 3:15 always 3:15. It’s almost like an alarm going off, or a tap on the shoulder. It’s always spirit at that time…those are the times I can fall right back to sleep. Anyway, thanks for the post

  34. Even though I don’t recall dreams often, when I DO dream I’ve recently been experiencing an increased ability to do things like read phrases, names, signs, and wake up remembering them. I’ve also recently dreamed the husband of a co-worker (who has passed on) was leaving me sketches for some reason… and I was able to put exactly what I saw down on paper the next day to deliver to my co-worker. Kind of cool. I’d like to experience it more often. But what does it all mean?

  35. I’ve never heard that explanation before, most interesting. More often than not I wake up through the night and have found that listening to a meditation CD does wonders for getting me back to sleep again. I get a lot of vivid dreams too, but I put that down to being too hot in bed!

  36. i’ve been doing this on and off for about 20 years – lately it’s not very often but there’s usually there’s really clear messages when it happens – interesting! thanks for the illumination about this. sx

  37. I found this really interesting Nicole. I go through stages when all the time and at least occasionally I wake up at 3.14am. It kind of freaks me out a little bit when it happens all the time. What is up with that! Sometimes I wake up and I am facing away from the clock and I lie there for a little while and then it gets the better of me and I have to roll over and look and it will be like 3.16 and I know that it must have been right on 3.14 when I woke. I feel like there must be a message there, but I just have no idea what it can be?? Weird right?

  38. Just spent 5 days camping in the outback by myself. Experienced the 2am wake up every night and the most vivid and detailed dreams. Now just to work out what they mean!

  39. Nicole, thank you so much. I have woken several times a night for the last thirty odd years and often got up around two and had a cup of tea and read before going back to bed around four.
    I’m sleeping better now after TOL but I’m still waking two or three times a night so I shall try connecting tonight. I think I’m just a slow learner. xx

    1. Thank you. I have just lost my son and started to wake at the same time every night. Do you think he is trying to connect with me. I do hope so. Ursula

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