Will you join my Secret Dreams Project?

Image by Meshl
Image by Meshl

“Surround yourself with people who believe in you.”  ~ Brian Koslow

A few weeks ago I first blogged about my Secret Dreams Project.  The idea for this project sprang from a life-changing experience I had as a child.

When I was young I went to a funny little arts and crafts store in a tiny country town. The woman who owned it was an artist, and she dressed like a fairy. There was a big sign in her shop saying that she was a keeper of precious secrets, and so I plucked up my courage and wrote her a heartfelt and painstaking letter about how when I grew up I wanted to be a writer and for my words to be good enough to touch people’s lives. AND SHE WROTE BACK TO ME!!! She told me she believed in me and my dream, and that she would bless my letter with fairy magic, and keep my letter safe until my dreams came true.

Image from www.fairymary.com.au
Image from www.fairymary.com.au

For an eight-year-old that was a pretty profound experience. There is something incredibly powerful about the act of someone else believing in you and your dreams, and that’s what my Secret Dreams Project is all about.

I have committed to becoming the Keeper of your Secret Dreams.  Together, you and I will hold the intention of your most precious and personal dreams becoming reality.

All I ask is that you write me a letter, outlining your secret dreams. Write it with love and hope, and as much detail as you can.  Fervently believe that your dream is possible.  Then bravely put your dreams in an envelope and send them to me at:

The Secret Dreams Project

c/- Nicole Cody

PO Box 590


NSW 2479


2013-05-08 18.00.32

This is a big step, putting your dreams out into the Universe.  And I take the responsibility of being the Keeper of your Dreams very seriously.  So my promise to you is that I will read your letter, offer a prayer for you to achieve your dream, and hold a vision in my mind of you achieving it. I will believe in you, and I will believe for you. I’ll hold the energetic space that allows for your dream to be possible. I’ll keep your secret dreams safe, and protect your privacy.

I will also program a small crystal with the intent that you achieve your dream.  Then I’ll place that crystal in my garden where it can beam that energy out for you 24/7 – charged up by the Earth, the Sun, the Moon and the Stars.

2012-09-01 12.43.54

Then every time you think about your precious dreams (which commits energy to them) they will become more and more real, until eventually they show up in your life!

Feel free to share the Secret Dreams Project with your friends and family.  I know how much the thought of someone believing in me and my dreams changed the trajectory of my life. So now it’s my turn to pay that kindness forward.

Life is made more richly beautiful through the realisation of our dreams. You were given yours for a reason – and you deserve to have them come true!

Much love to you, Nicole ♥ xx

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3160

12 thoughts on “Will you join my Secret Dreams Project?

  1. such a blissfully amazing idea! your generosity is graciously accepted. i shall charge a crystal with thanks to the dream keeper and place in my fairy garden to beam diamond-pure energies to the universe! bless xox

  2. Dear Dream Keeper, I am grateful for the prayers you have offered for my dream because Universal movement is afoot and working with divine timing. xox

  3. Dear Nicole, I have thought about your offer. I can say that my life has unfolded more beautiful than I dreamed off. I have experienced that I have to follow my intuition because God’s Voice leads me. I don’t dream about where I am going to. I just have to let it go.
    Much love to you, Jetske <3 🙂

  4. oh nicole! you are a charmer! i will definitely send you a letter for the dream project. this is totally marvelous and sweet of you! i can’t wait to have my dream sitting on your patio beaming out into space. love, pamela

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