Monday Oracle – 29 January 2018

 “Inner guidance is heard like soft music in the night by those who have learned to listen.
– Vernon Howard


Hello, Lovelies!

January is almost at an end, and already we can feel the beginning of February’s energies kicking in. January eased us into the energies of 2018 with time for resting and recharging and dreaming about the kind of life we want, while February brings opportunities for planning, learning and growing in order to bring about positive change. Keep that in mind as we look at the gifts of awareness which the oracle card Seeker of Swords brings us.

If the Seeker of Swords has one message for you, it is this: I can learn, I can flourish, I can belong.  We’re out the other side of that tough week of facing up to our problems and issues from our past. Now our focus is on direction, possibility and opportunity/ Get ready for self-acceptance and self-discovery!

This week we are able to see a more positive future for ourselves, and we can finally embrace our talents and individual quirks as blessings in our life.

It’s a week for creative flow, fresh new ideas, and that satisfying feeling of trusting ourselves and our decisions.

It’s also a week for finding teachers, mentors, courses and support to help us heal, grow and thrive.

Seeker of Swords encourages us to become comfortable being completely ourselves, knowing that this is the best way for us to find lasting love and happiness, succeed in business, attract real friends and live a life that is rich and meaningful. This week we’ll also see where we are hiding our true nature, and we’ll be able to identify relationships and situations in our lives that don’t support our true selves. Goodbye to them! Lots of room for change this week as we step into a more relaxed and open way of being in the world.

Image from

Supportive crystals this week?

Ametrine is a great stone to help you commit time and action to your dreams. White Howlite helps you get back to a place of balance if you are struggling with depression, anxiety or overwhelmRed Jasper is a stone for mental, physical and emotional rejuvenation. Deeply grounding, it helps you connect to your heart and your truth and encourages a sense of safety. Sunstone (pictured) helps you to sit in a place of abundance thinking so that you see the blessings and possibilities in life. To use these stones simply pop them in your pocket, or wear them somewhere on your body. They are also good to hold in meditation or to place under your pillow before sleep.

Helpful essential oils?

This week I’m using Young Living’s Clarity essential oil in my diffuser. Clarity is a blend that includes peppermint, basil and rosemary. I love this oil for helping me to learn new things, and for focus, problem solving and being open to new ideas. It helps me bust through mental fatigue and stay fresh and engaged with my work.

Want to make your own blend? Each of the following oils will work beautifully on their own for you this week, but they’ll also make a great combination for diffusing. Grapefruit is uplifting, busts stress and helps us overcome self-doubt. Ylang Ylang restores confidence in ourselves and our decisions and is supportive when we feel anxious or overwhelmed, Rosemary improves memory, promotes emotional balance and diffuses stress, and Cardamon helps link our left and right brain, bringing balance and calm.  To diffuse add 2 or three drops of each oil to your room or personal diffuser. You can find the oils here.

Need some extra support for your year?

Go grab one of my Year of ME Planners over at my Store (ME stands for Manifesting Energies, and the energies of 2018 are fabulous!) The digital full-year planner can be in your inbox in minutes, ready for you to review 2017 and begin mapping out what matters for you in 2018.

We’ve also got a full-colour A5 version of the Planner, perfect for keeping with you in your bag, and some super crystal packs to give you a host of extra energetic support. (note – these are both so close to sold out!)

Want fun, friendship, learning and loveliness? Join my Year of ME 12 month course and community for a whole year of deliciousness – with webinars, meditations and loads of activities and helpful tools and the most fantastic online facebook group. You’ll feel right at home with us!

I’ve also got a fabulous course and coaching options if you are a heart and soul centred entrepreneur or if you want to be. Come join my YOMpreneur group.

All the information you need is over at my Store.

We’ve also got a very special Residential Retreat coming up in March, that will help you to create a sustainable spiritual practice, connect to your Higher Self and Guides, and gain clarity about your inner energy, life path and best direction. More details: Awakening to Spirituality Retreat and here

Holding you, as always, in my thoughts, prayers and meditations, and intending for you a life of abundance and joy, where you are no longer limited by your doubts.

All my love,

Nicole ❤ xx

PS: Monday’s oracle card, ‘Seeker of Swords’, is from the Inner Child Cards – A Fairy-Tale Tarot. I use any cards shown as a prompt for channeled messages and my own own intuitive wisdom, so my take is sometimes quite different to the meaning found in a book. 

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3164

2 thoughts on “Monday Oracle – 29 January 2018

  1. This week I am completing a 2000 word essay on “my self” exploring all the hows whens whys. Seems like the perfect week. Last week wad tumultuous.

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