Would You Like Me To Include You In My Meditations?

“Through my love for you, I want to express my love for the whole cosmos, the whole of humanity, and all beings. By living with you, I want to learn to love everyone and all species. If I succeed in loving you, I will be able to love everyone and all species on Earth… This is the real message of love.” 
~ Thich Nhat Hanh

Meditation is the cornerstone of my life. It is the first thing I do when I wake up each morning. It is the last thing I do before I go to bed.

I don’t just meditate to find stillness and peace. I also use meditation for shamanic and mystical work. I use it to connect with and help my students, I use it to access healing, and to share and support energies.

This week I’m working on some very specific areas for emotional and spiritual healing that may also have an impact on physical well-being too.

For the next few days I am focusing on supporting you to move through and begin to resolve feelings of loss, fear, anxiety, overwhelm, emotional isolation and powerlessness. My aim is to find the places where emotion has become stuck inside you, causing you to become out of alignment. I am also looking for the old stories, traumas and memories which are subconsciously shaping you in opposition to your soul’s true nature. In my meditations I will dissolve these outmoded energies and stories, returning them to love and releasing their patterns from your energetic field.

As your energy comes back into alignment with your true nature, your vibration will rise and you will be more easily able to express yourself creatively and emotionally. It will increase your sense of self-awareness and self-trust.

I meditate twice a day, morning and evening. I also connect with some people during my night-flying practices. If you’d like me to include you or a loved one specifically in my meditations just let me know in the comments below.  And, of course, I love getting feedback about anything you notice as a result of my meditations.

Much love, Nicole xx

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3159

87 thoughts on “Would You Like Me To Include You In My Meditations?

  1. Hi Nicole.

    Would love to be included, if you see this here.

    Working big time in a season of recovering from trauma…& physical pain.

    With immense gratitude,

  2. Dear, dear Wondrous Spirit! I hope I’m not “too late.” I havent been on line for several days. And like many, I have been so spun around and upside down that I came to a skeeching halt then started to spiral down to a very low ebb. Some deep slow mucky lethargie. It would be an honor & a balm to be included in your meditations.
    Thanks you ever so 🙏🏼♥️📿💚

  3. Dear Nicole I would be overjoyed to have you include me in your meditations. Your presence via this blog has had such a positive impact on my life already: Year of ME, your recommandations of spagyric tinctures, essential oils, chrystals,meditations Sokli… Thank you so much for everything. Please know I keep you in my thoughts always. Bless.

  4. Hi Nicole. Thank you for such a beautiful offer. I would love to be included in your meditations. I pray that you feel better soon. With love, Madonna x

  5. Thank you for the kind offer, please include my little family of 3 in your meditation if that is not too much trouble. Many thanks.

  6. I would be grateful if you could remember me in your meditations. This month having received a medical diagnosis that leaves my future a little uncertain – it is not cancer..
    thank you Nicole.

  7. Dear Nicole, reading through all of the preceding responses was very sad and if it would be ok I would like to pray for them all including you as well. I hope and pray that you are feeling better. The veil is so thin and I love to know there are so many loved ones aware of each one of us. I love to meditate about how we connected to them. If we only could see how sacred each one of us is. Xxxxx

    1. Thank you so much for your kind and thoughtful offer Mary Anne. Life is always easier with someone to walk beside us xx

  8. Dear Nicole, I feel there are too many requests. If there is room for my niece Rebecca I would appreciate it. She is not well, not at all. Thank you!

  9. Hi Nicole
    Yes please, I am in need of emotional healing and would love to be included. My heart has been broken and betrayed.

  10. Hi Nicole,
    Thank-you so much for offering to help others. I just left a comment on instagram and have added another one here to add in my husband Stephen Sealey. Thank-you again! xx

  11. Hi Nicole, This is just such a wonderful thing to do for others. I so wish I could learn how to do his type of healing meditation!!!!
    I would love to be included, it is so relevant for where I am in my healing journey right now. Also, I would love you to include my sister Debbie Campbell and daughter Angela Redman. Thank you Nicole. I just so want to squish you with a big hug right now xx

  12. Yes please Nicole … but after yesterday’s post please don’t take on more than you can carry. And if your flight path ever crosses over France I’m always up for a chinwag 😘

  13. “My aim is to find the places where emotion has become stuck inside you, causing you to become out of alignment” – sounds exactly to be what happened to me so many years ago. And I am still stuck, in so many areas of my life, so yes if you could help me out, please do it. I appreciate that offer so much! Thank you

  14. Nicole, please include me in your meditations.
    I’ve just been going through some overwhelming feelings with old wounds resurfacing and bringing a lot of anger and anxiety.

  15. Please add me to your very long list of people to be included in your meditations. Thanks from the lttle girl who raises her skirts to show off her knees.
    Love and hugs. Get rid of those pesky herxes soon. We want you well again.

  16. Yes please Nicole, My mother and I would be very grateful to be included in your meditations. Thank you so much for your work.

  17. Dear Nicole,
    You are a very precious gem!
    I hope that whatever strength and good things that you bring in for all the people is given back to you many times over and that you can recover your health and energy too.

  18. Yes, please include me. And my husband. I am so tired and stressed. Sometimes I feel like I am caregiver to the whole world. It’s exhausting. Thank you.

  19. Thank you for offering this to everyone.

    Nicole, I would really appreciate being included as well as my husband John.

  20. Yes, thank you Nicole for including myself and a friend, Jenny, who just had a miscarriage after recently recovering from colon cancer. Blessings to you and your work.

  21. Hello Nicole, thank you for being the spiritual leader you are. I’m missing on the deep meaning of my life and would love to be part of your meditation as you are part of mine often.

  22. I would love you to include me in your meditation Nicole. Your healing work sounds exactly what I need. Please include my friend Billie. We have both had CFS for over 20 years. Blessings to you

  23. Yes please Nicole include me in your meditations. If you could also include my Love, Stroman I’d be very grateful.
    Thank you so much,

  24. Nicole, thank you for opening up to include others such as myself and my husband. I find your post very helpful and on days like today totally comforting and a huge stress relief. You remind me to meditate (my form is crochet) and I thank you for it.

  25. Please include me . We have had health and other problems, and you don’t know how much the blog helps me. A story about a silly cow, or a picture of a wonderful mushroom, makes my day. Please continue to tell your truth. There are days when I have said-well if Nicole can hang in there, I can too. Many blessings to you

  26. Dear Nicole, thank you for your kind offer, I’d love to be included. I’m in the process of letting go of old survival mechanisms and learning to pay attention to my body and its needs, any help is. much appreciated 😘 Also sending you lots of love for your own health concerns ❤️

  27. Yes..please Nicole..I would appreciate your including me in your meditations..Thank you..and much love 💞
    Cristina Rivera

  28. Yes please, Nicole. I am feeling very unsettled after moving 18 months ago. Finding it difficult to find my base again. Thank u so much … huge gratitude & much love to you for your generosity of spirit.

  29. I have already responded via facebook to include my partner Mark, my mother Marie and myself as well but I just wanted to say a big thank you for the generosity you are showing especially at a time when you are going through your own trials. Health and abundant blessings to you Nicole xx

  30. I would luv you to include my family of five Wal, Oska, Asha, Harlow and myself. We need a miracle atm life is throwing us some painful times.. it’s pretty hard going.. biggest hug and love To you hope you are feeling better., xxoo

  31. Blessings Nicole

    What a delightful offer. Yes please for myself and my dear mum and my little Jorji girl who is not feeling her best (shhhh to the v e t this morning).

    Hoping absolutely all your tribe express their desire to join because in the giving you receive.

    Namaste & Nameh.


  32. I hate to overwhelm you with requests but I would love it if you would include me and my daughter Lauren. Love and light to you.

  33. Dear Nicole, my first thought was that even though you have been feeling so poorly, you still think of all of us and our issues. I hope you get better soon.

    I would love to be includef in your meditations but only if it doesn’t weaken you…you need all your strength to get well.

    You have been twice in my ‘dreams’ and I have recently left you a comment on your instagram account, a personal message. It was amazing! Have you seen the message? I’m not sure if it was sent via or @saranevesillustrations accounts but they’re both mine.

    I send you all the goodness there is in the world so you can get stronger.

    Loads of love,

    Sara xxx

  34. I would love to be included in your meditations as emotional healing is something I have been working on this year.

  35. Thank you Nicole. I would love to be included in your meditation. Sending love and healing energy your way too. Hope you’re feeling better.

  36. Hello Nicole,

    If you can include me Veronica, my partner Brian and my grandson Arjan this would be most appreciated.

    With gratitude for your continued kindness

    V xx

  37. Hi Nicole,
    I too would love to be included in your meditations. And though she doesn’t believe in meditation, could you also include my daughter Chiara as she’s about to face a big challenge in her life.
    Thank you so much Nicole.
    Caroline xo

  38. Wow that sounds lovely. Am feeling totally out of alignment right now. I’ve been pushing and pushing for something which i now have and i realise it wasnt what i wanted or needed after all. Very frustrating.

  39. Hi Nicole. I wake up to reading your emails first before anything else. Should probably meditate first. Please include me too. Recent health issues and struggling with guidance to make the right choices. Thank you and hope you are feeling better this week xx

  40. Hi Nicole, please include me and my son Jahnoi in your meditations as we move into a new era within ourselves… Thank you and much love to you always xox

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