Sokli’s Lessons About Life – Via A Broken Crystal

“Did you know that pottery can be repaired with gold?” Kami asked. “Then it’s meant to be stronger than before, and more beautiful. Which is awesome, though it seems expensive.”

Her grandmother had nodded. “Makes sense to me,” she said. “Why be broken when you can be gold?” 
~ Sarah Rees Brennan

“…in repairing the object you really ended up loving it more, because you now knew its eagerness to be reassembled, and in running a fingertip over its surface you alone could feel its many cracks – a bond stronger than mere possession.” 
~ Nicholson Baker

When I take students on Retreat I spend time choosing personal crystals for each of them. These stones then sit in a grid out on the land on my farm, under sun and clouds and moon and stars and rain and wind and the songs of birds and the meanderings of critters.

I meditate with each stone and pour energy, intention and programming into it.

Then on Retreat I teach the participants how to do the same. By the end of our time together their stones have become potent energy tools, and a great comfort to hold in meditation or while doing soul work.

One of my students sent us a message a few days ago. Her crystal broke and she wasn’t sure what to do. This is what she wrote:

My crystal broke. Has it completed its mission with me? Do I need another one? (It would have to be from the bargain basement table 🙁). Transfer the info into something else I have? Maybe another stone Nicole’s given me? How do I transfer? Wing it? Do I just use the broken one? Waaaaaa

My dear friend Sokli (the fairy!) had an immediate answer, and it was one I had not expected. I love Sokli’s response because it is such a powerful reflection on life. This student has suffered from health challenges and other difficulties recently and it is fair to say that they have had a hard time of it although things are now improving again.

From Sokli: Hullo hullo hullo dear friend (we’re keeping the name private). So your rock broke and that is sad but also you broke and you are still okay and we still love you and you are still awesomey so this little rock needs GLUE and then it can remind you that broken things still have power and power and magic and magic and usefulness even with a cracky bit and needing glues. When you get glued back together you can just keep going and that crack is a scar just like when human people and animal people get doctor peoples to sew them up when they get cutted or busted open so just mend it with love and it has even more power than before from your very true friend SOKLI xxxxx

Sokli made me think of the Japanese art of Kintsugi, where broken pottery is glued back together with resin that has been mixed with gold. Instead of hiding the damage it is highlighted and given value so that the piece shares its honest history and is valued more for that history.

Not everything that is broken is devalued.

Broken things can be repaired and their scars become a part of their history and of their story of strength and resilience.

Fairy wisdom is good for all of us.

Much love to you, Nicole xx

PS – Want to learn how to use your intuition and oracle or tarot cards to gain insight and guidance for life’s troubles or to get clear on your future direction? You need my Journey of Transformation online course. Click here to find out more.

PSS – Think you might be psychic? Know that you’re intuitive but don’t know what to do with that? Looking for a teacher, and a great bunch of friends to join you on your spiritual journey? Come join us in our YOM Membership group and community with access to online courses and materials, meditations, exclusive webinars and a very active Facebook group. Click here to find out more.

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3159

9 thoughts on “Sokli’s Lessons About Life – Via A Broken Crystal

  1. I’ve written snippets of er, “something” that talks of soul kintsugi occuring.

    I find it fascinating that cracks occur (inside only or on outer) or they continue to grow, but they don’t actually break.

  2. A big thank you to Sokli!! I have a broken clear quartz crystal. It broke years ago. I was also wondering if it had “done its journey” and had no idea what to do. I can still find one part, but don’t know where the other is. I initially got it during a broken period. Now I know it was just resembling life.. Sad I lost one part (may have even disrespectfully thrown it away😥). But maybe the part I have here now is to remind me of that I was broken, but the broken part is the past and what I still have is the future…… Who knows. Thank you Sokli and Nicole🌈♥️🧚🏻‍♂️

    1. We love that last line, ‘maybe the part I have here now is to remind me of that I was broken, but the broken part is the past and what I still have is the future’ Great attitude! Much love, Nicole and Sokli xx

  3. They say there is no such thing as a coincidence which I do believe.
    My husband and I purchased a beautiful antique mantle clock recently.
    When it arrived sadly the 2 front feet were broken. I cried quietly about the damage.
    My husband and I browsed online and he found another pair of feet exactly the same
    …no mean feat (no pun intended) for a clock of 100+ years.
    Now this morning I read your post Nicole about fixing broken items with gold.
    The feet of our ‘new’ antique clock are not made of gold but are painted gold.
    Part of the clock handle needs a minor repair and it too is painted gold.
    Our ‘new’ antique clock is black with ornate gold painted columns, handles and feet.
    Bob will repair the small part on the handle and replace the two broken front feet.
    I will repaint the feet in gold and the small handle repair and anywhere else as needed.
    I was amazed to see your post this morning referring to repairs with gold.
    I now know the clock will look as good as we can get it and still be an antique.
    Thank Sokli for me please.

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