How to do a walking meditation

“When you look at the sun during your walking meditation, the mindfulness of the body helps you to see that the sun is in you; without the sun there is no life at all and suddenly you get in touch with the sun in a different way.” 
~ Thich Nhat Hanh


Do you have trouble trying to meditate? There is a powerful meditation practice you could try that involves movement. It’s one of my favourites – walking meditation.

Go outdoors. Stand still and have an awareness of your body.  If you like, clasp your hands in front of or behind your body. Lift your right foot, noticing the weight of your leg and how your balance adjusts. Think to yourself ‘right’ as your foot touches the ground.  As your left leg lifts up notice the change in balance.  Feel the movement as your foot leaves the ground and as it reconnects with the earth.  Think ‘left’.  As you become more advanced you may wish to choose other words such as ‘peace’ and ‘love’ or ‘wellness’ and ‘abundance’.

Walk slowly and mindfully for ten minutes, being aware of each deliberate step, and of the world around you. Be aware of the ground beneath your feet. Be aware of the changes in your body’s balance and of how you feel.  To finish the meditation stop, stand still and take a minute or two in that place, gently breathing and being aware of your body in stillness.

Moving meditation will also help you to be calmer and more attentive in seated meditation.  Enjoy!


Here’s a great example of a walking meditation:

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
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6 thoughts on “How to do a walking meditation

  1. I recently did this walking meditation in my yoga studio as part of doing workshop….it is very profound practice & makes you think what exactly are we walking towards each moment…thanks for sharing Nicole…it’s reminder to do it again:)

  2. Thanks Nicole! This is so helpful to me, firstly because I have really been having trouble lately settling into a seated/lying down meditation…my mind is so full! Secondly, because in little over 2 weeks I am heading to Spain to start my Camino pilgrimage. I will take this wisdom with me and light a candle for you, and all of those who love you, in a beautiful place somewhere. Much much love and gratitude. Simone xx

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