Attracting Inspiration and Opening to Abundance

This image by imagerymajestic

 “Your work is to discover your work and then with all your heart to give yourself to it.” – Buddha

“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” – Confucius


I truly believe that for each of us there is an idea, matched perfectly to our talents and gifts, that can help us to shine our Light in the world, and from which we can manifest abundance for ourselves. Today’s blog is really a response to reader questions that have arisen from a previous post:  When the Muse Whispers in My Ear.

Each of us usually has a glimmer of what our heart’s desire is – that thing we want to be, do or have. ( And when we have achieved or satisfied that, there will come another desire, for that is the nature of humanity…)

It can be anything, but let’s work with just one example. Trust that this information will work as easily and effectively for you in manifesting that inspiration that leads to abundance, as for the person for whom I’m creating the example.

My friend Kathy had this to say about the Muse Whispering in your Ear blog post:

ohhhh….I would so like to hear that whispering in my ear….I’m open hearted and waiting for an idea or suggestion that might be matched with my talents, purpose and dreams…….I’m ready and I’m waiting….with a hope-filled heart 

I really don’t know how to open to this sense…I tend to put forth effort and try, but sense that right now, that’s not the way to go….and I can’t seem to access “trying” anyway….I’m sensing that a more intuitive path is opening, but don’t have experience with it ….any suggestions or ideas?…

Sound familiar to any of you?

Kathy thought on this some more and then added:

I’m sensing that maybe I’d like to combine teaching, which I love, (I’m retiring from the official job of teaching in June, after 40 years ) with creating pages or something like that..but I don’t know quite what, where, who…etc…but I love teaching and I really really love creating the pages that I share on my blog…and helping people who are having a hard time…helping them out of the struggle, in whatever small ways I can…

So what can Kathy do?  What can YOU do to get into that place of flow, where things begin to come together for you, and a path becomes illuminated for you to follow?

Light Path image by dan

To start with, don’t force it! Come at it from a different angle, rather than from ‘trying’. Find that *glimmer* within.  Perhaps it’s teaching, or healing or helping in some way.  Maybe you are passionate about art or music or writing. It could be food or fabric or french provincial furniture.

How do you recognise it?  It will light you up on the inside, and you’ll feel your resistance melt away as you contemplate and appreciate that thing.

For Kathy, she knows that she loves teaching, writing, creating resources, helping people. That’s a great start. And when we find what we love doing, we can usually find a way to make money from that thing too.

But no big idea yet?  No clarity?

That’s okay.  The *glimmer* gives us something to work with.

Image from ohbytheway.blogspot

Begin by BEing happy. Live with gratitude and appreciation for the things in your life that you enjoy, especially when they relate to that *glimmer*.  For example, if you want to be a writer, open to the joy of the wonderful books you have read and how they made you feel. Explore book stores, not to be overwhelmed by how many people are already in print, but because you LOVE books and stories, and shops full of delicious reading adventures.

Find more of what excites you and be grateful for that. Involve yourself with thoughts and activities that align you with the things you love and can happily spend time doing.

Kathy can start by appreciating and reflecting on what she has loved about teaching. That will also give her clarity about what she doesn’t want (no nine to five for me anymore! – or similar). She can get excited about pages and resources she loves, and the people who create them.

All of this positive energy begins to make you magnetic to more energy just like it!

Kathy can appreciate blogs, and use that to begin clarifying what she likes and wants more of, and what she doesn’t like. Whose blogs are helpful to her? What does she like about them? What is she drawn to?

The more we honour, appreciate and are grateful for things, and the more we deposit positive energy into the Universal Bank Account, the more attractive and magnetic we become to aligned thoughts, ideas and opportunities.

Piggy Bank image by kongsky

If the Muse hasn’t whispered in your ear yet, it doesn’t mean she won’t! It just means that you’re not charged up enough yet. You are responsible for building that energy and enthusiasm.  Stay open.  Expect ideas to start coming but don’t be anxious about it. Don’t force it, or push yourself into feelings of panic or lack.

Understand that ideas will come from left field, and may not be what you had originally expected. A friend of mine who loves to quilt now teaches quilting classes and is about to open a shop dedicated to quilting and fabrics. She’d planned to make quilts for a living but this new business suits her skills much better and gives her that vital people contact she so enjoys. Another friend who enjoyed computers and programming, and has a natural gift for explaining complicated things in simple ways, has now been inspired to create an IT business where people come to your home to give you tuition in software and hardware, tailored to meet your needs.

I’ve created a simple five-minute guided meditation to help you open up to your own inspiration, flow and abundance.  All you need to do is listen with an open heart, and an open mind, expecting and allowing all good things to come your way.

Nicole Cody’s Guided Meditation for Inspiration and Abundance

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3159

51 thoughts on “Attracting Inspiration and Opening to Abundance

  1. Pingback: Link Love |
  2. 😊Hi Nicole, you are so magical in my eyes✨just found your blogs… Can’t wait to have fun nurturing myself working through all of this amazing and practical information & trying the yummy recipes.. The banana cake lasted about two hrs!!! I love you so much and am so happy to here you are well… Brooke🌟

  3. Beautiful suggestions Nicole, can’t agree more.I also believe we are too curious about the future, we don’t give it much thinking.I am not hurrying you in to it Kathy, but by the description Nicole gave about your interests, you can combine teaching in pages, by creating your own online.Or as i feel it, you seem like a very compassionate person, “HELPING THEM OUT OF STRUGGLE…: indicated that.You can join any field which involves compassion, like nursing, counselling… but maybe they are not that much related to teaching.Plz don’t take me wrong,i also wanted to help you by suggesting things i made out of your interests.I hope and praythat whatever you choose, you enjoy, and suceed in it.Nicole, we nee more of such posts pleaseee 🙂

  4. I resonate with Kathy so closely!! not in the details but in the yearning. I know something is building because sometimes I feel like I might explode yet I still feel like I want to peel stones from my eyelids and pull fluffly cottonwool from my ears. I hear the muse whispering, but it is as if the message is caught on the wind before I can grasp it.

  5. I have always wanted to be a therapist, a psychologist. It’s my passion. I love to listen to people, to help, to support, and I didn’t get the chance to study psychology and follow my dream. What gives me a smile now is that many of my online friends told me I’m a “healer”. I didn’t even know the meaning before. I want to follow my dream, but I guess I need to heal myself first. To heal myself, I need to love myself. Two days ago, I sent “a cry for help” on my blog, as although I am progressing, i still can’t love myself

  6. A lovely meditation Nicole, thank you. This magnetic business is absolutely true, you get more of what you focus on and if you focus on positive inspiring things that you want to have in your life – bingo, along they come! Great stuff!

  7. Hi Nicole. That is a very timely blog for me too. I am reading a book called The Magic” which is all about gratitude. I started the 28 day focus on gratitude last Monday and I’ve had a really feeling good, intersting week. The most tangible thing that happened for me was that I found the perfect Pilates class. right across the road from where I work and at the perfect time. ( I had actively looked about 6 months ago to no avail ). So I don’t know that I have the glimmer yet but I’m really starting to truly understand the power of gratitude and the doors that start to open when you practice it xxx

  8. Wow you’re channeling my life right now! I got some wonderful job leads today for the love of helping people. It’s been a wonderful week – I can attest to the truth of following your bliss! Thanks lovely lady 🙂

  9. Kathy suggested I swing by . . . glad I did. Wonderful thoughts. I find that when the Universe knows I am listening, the whispers appear in short order.

    When we LISTEN . . . anything in life can be our guide. 😀

  10. What a stella way to start a sunday…thank you thank you. I heard that word again…you are worthy and all is coming to you. I know that ‘something’ is coming to fruition for me…I no longer can work for a living….I need to feel passionate about what I do and contribute…now to listen & watch and find out just what it is…big hugs to U sweet Nicole. Enjoy your day wherever you may be…X

    1. I came home to find a message..a idea for something I am very passionate about already. I’m so excited…I’m listening….step by step…XX

  11. You can probably tell by my posts that I am preparing myself for a change in direction. I’ve had enough of the 9-5 grind and I am planning to follow my dreams as soon as the opportunities surface. I want to write, continue my painting and do some motivational speaking. Doors are opening and I am pursuing. Thank you for another nudge in the right direction!

  12. Kathy shared the link to your blog in mine, and wow, this absolutely beautiful and sage guidance! I trust she will find a way of using her abilities and talent in ways that server her heart and others. ♥ Marie

  13. Another lovely & well timed meditation Nicole, thank you. I did this with my daughter & 2 dogs in the room – George the Guide Dog Pup already knows his path of course!

    My mum & I have been discussing this week starting a little venture together, it all seems so right & while I was meditating your voice from the cd of my visit popped into my head – you were saying that we probably would go into business together (that was a few years ago). The time is now. Thank you.


  14. ohhhhhhh my goodness, Nicole…thank you so much…my heart is just bursting with wonder and appreciation….thank you for the many insightful and helpful ideas in your post….and the truly beautiful, beautiful, beautiful meditation….I’ll listen to it more and more….and let my own light, heart and ideas germinate and grow as I do…it’s so nurturing, encouraging and inspiring…thank you… with a kind and gentle smile of appreciation, kathy

    1. Hi Nicole…. I was wanting to be able to read the wonderful guided audio meditation that you posted here…so last evening I listened to it and typed it up…it’s so lovely. (really Nicole, it’s so beautiful) When you first posted it, I had told Marie, Sufilight, from Love is the Answer, that I would type it up to share with her, because she had lost most of her hearing…just after that, she got some of her hearing back….I’m guessing, however, that it might still be difficult for her to hear all the words. Would it be okay with you if I share the typed up transcript with her? : )

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