Feather Oracle – For Inspiration and Guidance

Image by Rachel Mitchel

Image by Rachel Mitchel

“Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul – and sings the tunes without the words – and never stops at all.”
~ Emily Dickinson

Every night at my farm a big owl alights on my clothesline. I feel very safe and loved in the presence of this owl. Often I am left a gift of a feather. I am always finding feathers at the farm. Feathers from crows and eagles, feathers from owls and black cockatoos, feathers from ducks and parrots and pigeons, magpie feathers and more. When I find one I always feel a sense of guidance. So I got to thinking that maybe you would like some guidance too.

Instructions for using today’s post

Let each image speak to you in its own way.  One of them will have wisdom just for you!

Scroll down through the following Feather images and then let yourself come back to the one you are most drawn to.

When you have chosen your Feather, scroll further down for your message. Take what resonates for you, and apply it in your life over the coming weeks.

Trust that you will be shown what you most need to know right now.

Love and Light,

Nicole ♥ xx


Let the Feathered Messengers Guide You…

1. White Feather

Image by Marie Andersson

2. Crow Feather

Image from Miriadna

Image from Miriadna

3. Blue and Purple Feather

This beautiful image from The Little Leaf

This beautiful image from The Little Leaf

4. Reflections Feather

Image from FreeFever

Image from FreeFever

5. Peacock Feather

Image by kurupt4000

Image by kurupt4000

6. Tawny Owl Feather

Image by Stephen Plummer

Image by Stephen Plummer

7. Parrot Feathers

Image by Ron Hines

Image by Ron Hines DVM PhD

8. Emu Feather

Emu Feather by Jennifer Colby

Emu Feather by Jennifer Colby


♥ The Message and Gift of each Feather ♥

Each Feather image has a message for you. I have also selected a crystal to best support the message and energies of your chosen Feather.  You could wear or hold this crystal, pop it in your pocket, under your pillow or beside your bed. (If you’d like to know more about working with crystals click here.) The Action Step is a tangible step you can take to begin incorporating this wisdom in your life.

1.  White Feather:

♥ Message – It’s time to integrate your ideas into the real world. What ideas you have. What dreams, hopes and possibilities! You have spent so much of your life dreaming and contemplating, and your inner world is rich. Now is the time to give all of this thought-form energy a tangible shape in your reality. Whatever your dream or idea might be it’s time to start making it real by bringing it into the world we live in, piece by piece. Start the project, commit to study, enact the plan, get words on the page or paint on the boards. Begin, begin, begin! The Universe is encouraging your every action.

♥ Crystal – Tiger Eye  

♥ Action Step – Spend a little time journalling this week, thinking about an idea or plan that is currently only in your head. Begin to tease it out onto the page. What might this idea look like in the real world? Where might you start? Who or what could support you? Start to give your idea some form. BE brave in your ambitions, even if the beginning will be small.


2.  Crow Feather:

♥ Message – Prepare for Transformation. Crow energy appears when we are going through times of great emotional and spiritual growth. You are being called to stand in your truth, to honour your inner voice, and to bravely step into the unknown. For now you might be the student. For now you might be the teacher. Know that there is something bigger at work here. Know that you signed up for this. Stop fussing around in your ego and surrender to the current that is already tugging at your ankles. Why fight it? It’s what you came here to do.

♥ Crystal – Smoky Quartz

♥ Action Step – Spend some time each day in solitude. Go to a place that helps you feel expanded and sit quietly. Wait. Wait with an energy of expectation. Turn up every day, or as often as you can. Don’t do anything. Just sit. Be patient. Use the time to relax and become calm and clear. Bring a journal with you for when you become inspired and need to write things down so that you’ll remember them.


3.  Blue and Purple Feather:

♥ Message – Design your life around your ideals. You never came to this life to be pedestrian, to be the same as everyone else. Your feet dance to a different drum, your heart quickens to a different song. Stop trying to conform. In small ways, let your individuality shine – even if your day job is streets away from your inner purpose and your soul’s magic. Give thought to what your values are, and do all you can to live authentically, according to what is important to you. You are driven by integrity, so give yourself permission to make your values and ideals a bigger and more visible focus in your life.

♥ Crystal – Ruby in Fuchsite 

♥ Action Step – Find ways to live a life that is meaningful to you. If you care about the environment, recycle and say no to plastic bags. If education is your soap box, volunteer at a literacy program. If art and creativity is your driving passion visit a gallery or join an art class – be a little ‘arty’ in how you present yourself to the world. LIVE by your inner compass. Let your life be a tribute to the whispers of your heart.


4.  Reflections Feather:

♥ Message – We succeed by standing on the shoulders of those who have gone before us. All of us can shine by building on the actions, knowledge and guidance of those who have succeeded where we desire to also make our mark. Right now you are a rough diamond. The talent is there. The capability is there. But you need to be polished up in order to have greater value to yourself and the world. Not value from an ego perspective – value in relation to what you can positively contribute to the world. It’s time to grow; to find mentors, coaches and teachers; to truly value your gifts and work hard to hone them into something more than you currently hold in your hands. You’re being called on to turn your great potential into reality – with the help of knowledgeable others who have gone before.

♥ Crystal – Fluorite

♥ Action Step – Learning! Read books, attend courses, find people to share their knowledge with you and to hone your existing skills. Determine to be the best you can be at this thing that is burning a hole within you. Turn that frustration into fire and channel all of that energy into success.


5. Peacock Feather:

♥ Message – Value yourself. Treat yourself as a rare and special soul, worthy of love, care and respect. Peacocks don’t have vanity – peacocks have a strong sense of their own identity, and a regal self respect. It’s not vain to care about your physical appearance, your diet, your health and well-being. It’s not being precious to expect others to be respectful and polite in their dealings with you. And it is essential that being treated well starts with yourself!

♥ Crystal – Moonstone

♥ Action Step – It’s time to give yourself a make-over in some aspect of your life. Maybe you need to attend to diet and exercise, maybe you need a haircut or to update your wardrobe, maybe you need friends and lovers who treat you better! It may even be that you need to stand up for yourself in business. Look inside your heart and you’ll see where you need to begin.


6.  Tawny Owl Feather:

♥ Message – Trust in Synchronicity and keep asking for what you need. You are well loved, and much of that love comes from realms other than the one in which we live. Know that right now you are being very strongly guided and supported, that there are signs everywhere to encourage and direct you, that the veil is thin between this world and the next. Open yourself to this love and support. Expect magic and miracles. Expect resolution of difficulties and obstacles.

♥ Crystal – Turquoise

♥ Action Step – Spend some time in nature. Spend some time on your own. Pray, journal, meditate and stay open to messengers, guidance and intuition. Use tools such as crystals, tarot and other messenger cards, runes and other divination items if it feels right. Ask once, and be guided by the answer, whatever that may be. Stay open to possibility and to acting on insights.


7.  Parrot Feathers:

♥ Message – Find your tribe and step out of social isolation. You know the old expression – birds of a feather flock together! You are a beautiful bird, and you need to find other ‘birds’ with similar interests and values. Don’t do this alone. Let yourself be supported, and grow by supporting others. Allow yourself to be multi-faceted. Our diversity is a beautiful thing. Maybe you’ll need a craft group,  a meditation group, a permaculture club. There is no one group that will meet every need, so fly a while with birds going in a direction you want to be travelling in and know it’s okay to stop when you need to, or to meet up with a different flock flying the other way. Embrace life and the joy of sharing and belonging!

♥ Crystal – Jasper – whichever kind you’re drawn to! 

♥ Action Step – Look in the papers. Read the community notice boards. Google. Find a group, or create a group of your own. Join a class. Go to a workshop or retreat. Travel. Expand your horizons by expanding your social circle. Allow yourself to be supported in your interests, with others who share your passion.


8: Emu Feather:

♥ Message – Emu feathers appear when we’re ready to forgive and let go of something significant that has been an anchor weighing us down for much of our lives. There is nothing more to be gained by holding onto this heavy thing inside you. It’s time to forgive yourself, and anyone else involved. We can never have a complete understanding of our path, or the path of others, while we remain in our body. Things take on a different significance as we let go of the emotions and find the lessons and gifts. Sometimes we don’t even need to do that. The thing has happened. Life has moved on, and we’ve been holding this heavy rock for so long that we can’t clearly remember WHY anymore. But the heavy rock drains and exhausts us, and its energy taints everything that we do and that we are. It’s time for forgiveness. Let yourself be free of this burden.

♥ Crystal – Clear or included Quartz

♥ Action Step – Write it out and burn it, have a healing, dance it out, create a meaningful ceremony, or simply offer up a prayer or words and intention that mean something to you. Involve others if it feels right, but also know that forgiveness is a personal act about freeing YOU, and does not need to involve others for it to be effective as a force within you.

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3160

7 thoughts on “Feather Oracle – For Inspiration and Guidance

  1. No surprise that I chose more than one and that the story it told confirmed I’m undergoing a bit of a transition (there were 3 feathers I chose and the story helped a lot….now if only those feathers could give this body some help LOL <3 )

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