We’re One! My Blog’s First Anniversary ♥


“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.” – Dr. Seuss

Wow. That came around fast. Today marks the first birthday of my blogging career – a whole year of sharing words, images and my crazy life. Who ever knew it could be so good?

The truth of how I got started here in the blogosphere is embarrassingly clichéd. December 10, 2011, we were flooded in down at our farm. Luckily we still had power, but the torrential rain certainly limited the scope of activities. A friend had left some DVDs behind, and that fateful (told you it was clichéd!) morning my husband popped Julie and Julia into the player.  “Here, watch this,” he said. “It’s a chick flick. About cooking or something.”

He ended up watching it with me.  If you are one of the last two people left on this planet who don’t know anything about it, you can check out the trailer:

The movie ended, it was still raining, and my husband looked at me. “You should start a blog,” he said. “I mean it. You’d be great.”

“But what will I write about?” I asked.  “Honestly, I doubt if I have very much to say.”

Ben rolled his eyes at me. “Of course you do. Just blab on about the stuff that interests you. Anyway, you love to write!”

So venture down Memory Lane with me and visit  my first ever post – a recipe for Ice-Cream Plum Pudding. It took me most of the day to work out how to set up the blog and upload pictures. (And to be honest I still consider myself a blogging amateur…)

I’m quite a private person, so I felt quite daring putting my life on display. And Cauldrons and Cupcakes does sum up my world pretty well. A homespun yarn or two as we wander around the farm, recipe swaps over a cup of tea and tasty snacks before shooting the breeze about all things spiritual, psychic and philosophical. Oh, and a free guided meditation or reading thrown in every so often, because after all, that’s what I do.

I guess this combo is working – in my first year I’ve already had over 300 000 views.

Chai 3m

I know one thing. I love blogging. I love the friendships I have found online, and the ability to support and share through this medium.

This blog has come to mean something very special to me. And so have you. Thank you, from my heart to yours, for your support and friendship over the last twelve months. I look forward to sharing the journey with you as we step forward into 2013.

Anyway, in honour of the occasion I’ve prepared a party to celebrate. Grab a drink, eat some cake, share some hugs.  There’s plenty to go around. I’m so glad you’re here!

tea party

Bless. Much love to you ♥ xx

(And for the rest of this week? – Christmas recipes, meditations and adventures!!!)

Hi! I'm Nicole Cody. I am a writer, psychic, metaphysical teacher and organic farmer. I love to read, cook, walk on the beach, dance in the rain and grow things. Sometimes, to entertain my cows, I dance in my gumboots. Gumboot dancing is very under-rated.
Posts created 3160

43 thoughts on “We’re One! My Blog’s First Anniversary ♥

  1. Joyeux Anniversair Nicole et Cupcakes and Cauldrons!

    I am so grateful for ;

    Knowing there is another person who likes The Gumnut Babies. You just can’t get any more Australian than that!;
    Your inspiring words that always seem so serendipitious in timing;
    Your heartfelt kindness and corresponding images (I’ll never forget the one of the man holding his dog in the lake to allow him to heal);
    Your sneaky little slips of naughtiness in many of your posts (only you could get away with mentioning farts in a post about intuativness!);
    Your recipes that remind me so much of Australia. Nothing transports a girl back to her youth like a recipe for coconut ice.
    Your sheer love for your beloved Nana. Grand-parents are SO undervalued in my opinion and it is so refreshing to read posts on your adoring relationship with your fellow September Girl.

    Just some of the many reasons I enjoy reading your blog every day and hope that you continue for many years to come.

    Bisous from France

  2. Congratulations, Nicole! Isn’t it amazing how much can happen in a year? So many experiences and so many new friends. I am very happy you started blogging and we met through this crazy blogosphere!

    Here’s to many more!

  3. Congrats Nicole! Really enjoy your blog filled with such depth, wisdom and inspiration. Thank you for sharing C & C’s inception – amazing. Loved the J&J movie – glad Ben tuned in and encouraged you – wise man that he is. Champagne glass filled and raised – heres to you and your blog. Hip, hip, hooray!

  4. Happy Anniversary to you & Cauldrons & Cupcakes! It has been wonderful to have glimpses into your worlds. It has been a wonderful way to extend getting to know you in the cyber world (a positive way of showing how connected and “1/2 degree” of separation the world truly is).

    I look forward to the musings to appear in the coming year of Cauldrons & Cupcakes. The way you inspire and have the most serendipitous words and images to share are (for me) invigorating, and energise me on so many levels.

    Namaste and thank you 🙂

  5. Your hubby was right, you have plenty to say and plenty that is enjoyable to read. I’m glad you followed through! Lots of love to you always, and keep up the really great work!

  6. In great Aussie tradition I have arrived late. Is it too late to grab a nice hot cuppa? Thank You, Thank You, Thank you for just being you! Congratulations on your first year.
    Big smiles and lots of love and light to go around.
    May you and your family have a safe and happy Christmas and New Year.

  7. Congratulations on a blog well done….
    Glad you put yourself out there, I’ve watched as many learnt to shine through you…
    Hoping you are proud of such a great accomplishment……

  8. Just saying – your husband must be an insightful man. I wake every morning to my hot cup of coffee and your blogs of truth, sharing and wisdom. So glad you are on the mend, the world needs more of you.Your teachings inspire and motivate the lives of many and you give a message of silent ‘permission’ to trust in ourselves and our journey. My your Birthday blog gift be a life long blessing of good health and much laughter with good friends.
    Thank you to you and your man xx Rosanna

  9. Hehe yes.! I used the same Dr Suess quote yesterday.. Love it.! I had a huge piece of Chockie Gateau ~ a Beer ~ and Thankyou for your squeeze.!! Congrats again.. <3

  10. Happy Anniversary! I’m so happy I can peek into your world and get so much love with each and every post. Big thank you to your husband for such a briliant idea. Whenever I read some posts, think of you or write a comment my eyes get watery and I get excited to be part of this all. Thank you xxx

  11. By bravely stepping out into your fabulous, inspirational authentic self, for all the world to see, you pave the way for others to do the same! Dear Nicole, always the gifted teacher. My red sparkly Dorothy shoes are on, clicking my heels 3 times, I’ll be there joining in the party in a jiffy
    😀 xoxo

  12. Love the party, such a joy that you watched Julia and Julia and Ben suggested you start a blog- you have given me and so many others so much joy, inspiration and learning over this past year. So much gratitude coming your way love and light xxoo

  13. Happy Bloggaversary, beautiful! Thank you for all the guidance over the art year and for pushing me to start my ‘bruises’ blog when I was down for NYE last year. Can’t wait to do it again 🙂 Party tiara is ON! xoxo

  14. One year already, my that went so fast. Your blog is one I look forward to as a daily read and inspiration. Congratulations and here is to many more wonderous years, many blessings Nicole xo

  15. Yay, happiest of blogs birthdays to you. Have a wonderful celebration and here’s to another magical year. I dips me lid to you…. 🙂
    Much love

  16. What a beatyful day to celebrate being 1  Thankyou so much for sharing your time, your wisdom and your much loved recipies. Big hug bubble coming your way Nx

  17. Yay!!! Celebration hugs all around! I love hearing the story about how you started blogging. Your husband is clearly a genius. I feel lucky to have “met” you, Nicole.

    PS Like Lorna, I have also not seen Julie and Julia…

    1. Annie!!! Come and sit down. Here’s a party hat and a fairy wand. (It blows bubbles, but that’s magical, isn’t it?) There are some scrummy Vegan Bliss Balls earmarked especially for you. You’re another of my favourite peeps from the bloggerverse, and I’m so glad to have met you too. {{{HUGS}}} Let me pour you a chai…

  18. Woohoo! A very happy anniversary to you Nicole, and to your most excellent blog. I’m delighted that you watched that film (I’m one of the few people who still hasn’t seen it, I really must remedy that) and that it led to Cauldrons and Cupcakes. I’ve never mentioned this before, but I think you made a great choice with the name of your blog, it’s got a real ring to it and is very memorable. Here’s to the next year of blogging – I’m looking forward to what you’re going to bring to the blogosphere. Thank you for the invitation to your party, I’m having some cake to celebrate. Cheers! xoxo

    1. Lorna! {{{HUGS}}} How fitting that you are my first Anniversary comment. Come take a seat at the head of the party table and I’ll find you an especially pretty cu and saucer.

      You are one of the great ‘finds’ of this blog for me, and I treasure your friendship, and your wonderful writing.

      Much love to you, and some excellent tea and cake
      Nicole xxooxx

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